The MOE Tuition Grant Agreement: What You Need to Know

Singapore is a country that places great emphasis on education, and it is no surprise that the government has initiated various schemes to provide financial assistance to students who pursue tertiary education. One such scheme is the MOE Tuition Grant, which has helped many students ease the burden of paying for their studies. But what exactly is the MOE Tuition Grant Agreement? Here’s everything you need to know.

What is the MOE Tuition Grant?

The MOE Tuition Grant is a financial assistance scheme provided to undergraduate students pursuing full-time degree courses at local autonomous universities, polytechnics, and the Institute of Technical Education (ITE). The grant covers up to 75% of the tuition fees payable by Singaporean students, and up to 70% of the tuition fees payable by international students.

Who is eligible for the MOE Tuition Grant?

Singaporean students and permanent residents (PRs) are automatically eligible for the MOE Tuition Grant. International students may also be eligible if they meet the following criteria:

– They are not a Singaporean citizen or PR.

– They must have been offered admission to a full-time undergraduate degree course at a local university, polytechnic, or ITE.

– They must meet the admission requirements of the institution.

– They must not have received any other scholarship or sponsorship that covers their tuition fees.

What is the MOE Tuition Grant Agreement?

All students who are awarded the MOE Tuition Grant must sign a tuition grant agreement with the Ministry of Education. The agreement outlines the terms and conditions of the grant, including the obligations of the student and the consequences of breaching the agreement.

Some of the key clauses in the agreement include:

– The student is required to complete the course of study within the prescribed duration.

– The student must achieve satisfactory academic progress as determined by the institution.

– The student must maintain good conduct and comply with the rules and regulations of the institution.

– If the student withdraws from the course or is expelled from the institution, the grant must be repaid in full.

– If the student fails to comply with any of the terms of the agreement, the grant may be terminated and the full amount must be repaid.

What are the consequences of breaching the MOE Tuition Grant Agreement?

Breaching the MOE Tuition Grant Agreement can have serious consequences. If a student withdraws from the course or is expelled from the institution, the full amount of the grant must be repaid, regardless of the amount of time the student has spent in the course. The student will also be liable for any outstanding fees or charges owed to the institution.

In addition, if a student fails to comply with any of the terms of the agreement, the grant may be terminated and the full amount must be repaid. This can have a significant impact on the student’s financial situation, as they will be required to pay the fees upfront if they wish to continue their studies.


The MOE Tuition Grant is a valuable financial assistance scheme that has helped many students pursue their dreams of tertiary education. However, it is important for students to understand the terms and conditions of the grant and the consequences of breaching the agreement. By fulfilling their obligations and complying with the rules and regulations of the institution, students can enjoy the benefits of the MOE Tuition Grant and achieve their academic goals.